Hopkinton Veterans’ Breakfast 14 July 2017

Dear Veterans and Friends:

Bless you for celebrating a patriotic Fourth of July — Independence Day. Take a few moments for Lee Greenwood to add his inspiring message.


Your comrades are hoping to share breakfast — which includes chipped beef — on 14 July 2017, at 0900 hours at the Senior Center. Fellow veterans served in all military branches, and are prone to reminisce and swap stories from their personal experiences.

Tribute will be paid to comrades who passed-on since our previous breakfast, and those who are on “sick call” will be acknowledged. It is a generous gesture to visit one or more of our ailing local veterans.

Memories of historical military events that occurred on July 14th will be shared. Other announcements will keep you alert to Hopkinton happenings relating to veterans. A free breakfast is available to the first person who correctly answers the monthly baseball quiz: His cousin lives in Hopkinton; he is the only first baseman to have 40 HRs and 30 stolen bases in a season. He did it twice.

Please encourage other Vets to attend the breakfast, and enjoy the camaraderie. Any veteran with transportation difficulties should call Amy Beck on/before 12 July 2017, 508 497-9730.

The McDonough-Carlberg Legion Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and blessing of the meal.

See you Friday. Out.
Hank Alessio