Hopkinton Veterans Breakfast August 4th 2017

Dear Veterans and Friends:

The big day has arrived: camaraderie, community, and chow at the Senior Center mess hall on Friday, 4 August 2017, at or before 0900 hours. Uniform of the day is civilian casual. Bring a friend who is a veteran.

Beforehand, consider visiting your buddies: www.hcam.tv/series/veterans/slideshow.shtml . The Gallery continues to grow. There might be some surprising postings for you to see.

At the last breakfast we benefitted from a presentation by Fire Chief Steve Slaman. His remarks were applicable to all of us: www.hcam.tv/news/video-fire-chief-stephen-slaman-informs-veterans-about-…

On Friday we will pay tribute to comrades who passed-on since our recent breakfast, and we will recognize others who are on “sick call.” It is a generous gesture to visit one or more ailing veteran.

Military events that previously occurred on August 4th will be recalled and discussed. Other announcements will keep you up-to-speed on Hopkinton happenings relating to veterans. The free breakfast baseball quiz is a slam dunk this month following the Jeff Bagwell answer from July, who is another 1st baseman, also with his first ML contract from the Red Sox, also a Rookie of the Year, and also from a small town in Connecticut.

Any veteran with transportation difficulties should call Amy Beck on/before 2 August 2017, 508 497-9730.

American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and blessing of the meal.

See you Friday. Out.

Friendly fire — isn’t. Photo 4 August 1944, ww2db.com/images/50f6583f7ed2c.jpg B-26B Marauder of the 441st Bomb Squadron over Ile du Levant, France south of St. Tropez on raid to bomb gun installations.

Photo April-August 1945, ww2db.com/images/5104d5f7dfdd5.jpg Ground crewmen arming an FG-1D Corsair of Marine Fighting Squadron 312, the “Checkerboarders,” at Kadena airfield, Okinawa, Japan. Note: This was Tony De Stefano’s squadron on Okinawa.

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