Hopkinton Veterans’ Breakfast Friday, 1 December 2017

Dear Veterans and Friends:

What better way to reminisce about the good happenings of 2017. Share those memories with Hopkinton veterans at your monthly breakfast, Friday, 1 December 2017, at 0900 hours. The Senior Center mess hall will be waiting for you.

We will pay tribute to comrades who passed-on since the November breakfast, and we will review those who are on “Sick Call” and who will be pleased greatly by contact from you.

Normally we acknowledge military events that previously occurred on the date of the breakfast; e.g., on December 1st. On Friday we will highlight a few National Football League players who served on active duty in the military, and some who were KIA. Military service magnifies the effect of being an American sports hero.

A free breakfast and a free lunch will be awarded to the person who first answers correctly the monthly baseball quiz. Who is the Hall of Fame ML’er who earned 3 MVPs and finished 2nd 4 times (it is not Ted Williams)?

Any veteran with transportation difficulties should call Amy Beck on/before 29 November 2017, 508 497-9730. Please encourage other veterans to attend the breakfast and enjoy the camaraderie.

American Legion Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and blessing of the meal.

See you Friday. Out.

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