Hopkinton Veteran’s Breakfast Friday August 2nd at Senior Center

The peak of summer will bring together local veterans for their monthly breakfast, 2 August 2019, at 0900 hours, at the Senior Center. As always there will be great chow and wonderful camaraderie.

Comrades who passed away during July will be remembered, and names of those who are on “Sick Call” will be updated. This is a good opportunity to be generous with our time to visit and/or to send cards or notes to our ailing buddies. Gestures that brighten the day of a fellow veteran are always appreciated.

After breakfast we will recall memories of military events that previously occurred on August 2nd; for example, US Navy torpedo boat PT-109 being rammed by a Japanese destroyer. PT-109 was commanded by JFK. A more detailed story: ww2db.com/person_bio.php?person_id=395 .

A free breakfast and lunch will be awarded to the first person who correctly answers the monthly baseball quiz: Why was the “Geen Monster” built?

Hopkinton veterans with transportation difficulties may get help by calling the Senior Center on/before 31 July 2019, 508 497-9730.

American Legion Post 202 of Hopkinton will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and bless the meal.

See you Friday. Out.