Dear Veterans and Friends:
Veterans Day is near. What better way to remember lost comrades than to share “war stories” with friends at the monthly Vets Breakfast on 3 November 2017, at 0900 hours at the Senior Center. A chair will be waiting for you.
We will have the regularly scheduled presentation of Lost Comrades and the Sick Call list. Mike Whalen will review the planned Veterans Day activities — its on Saturday this year. Military anniversary events that occurred on November 3rd will be cited. For example, on November 3rd 1942, Chiang Kai Shek agreed with General Joseph Stilwell to provide 15 divisions for an offensive in Burma. Hopkinton’s Frank D. Merrill, who was born on Wood Street, fought in that theater and reported to Gen. Stilwell.
A free Vets Breakfast will be awarded to anyone who correctly answers the monthly baseball quiz: Who is the last member of the Boston Red Sox to miss playing time due to a military obligation?
Any veteran with transportation difficulties should call Amy Beck on/before 1 November 2017, 508 497-9730. Please encourage other veterans to attend the breakfast and enjoy the camaraderie.
American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance and the blessing of the meal.
See you Friday. Out.