Discussions of military history that coincide with the date of the monthly Vets Breakfast (in this instance, May 6th) provided a full agenda of significant topics. Most notably were the many military actions leading to the end of World War II. The May 1945 sinking of a German U-boat off Block Island sparked a review of Hopkinton veterans’ involvement in “submarine chasing” along the eastern shore of the United States. Additionally, there’s never a lack of remembering Hopkinton’s recently deceased veterans who were so vital in creating real-life military history in several different war eras.
A few of the three-dozen veterans who participated are seen in the attached photo. Standing L to R: Gordon Winston, USAF, and David Almy, US Army. Sitting L to R: Neil Svendsen, US Army, Barry Rosenbloom, US Army, Jim Rose, USAF, and Neal Swenor, USAF. Mr. Rosenbloom is showing a photo of a Lockheed P-3 Orion which is tasked with anti-submarine and marine surveillance. Mr. Rose is holding a representation of the announcement of Hitler’s suicide, which helped bring about the end of World War II.
The next Vets Breakfast is scheduled for 3 June 2022. More Hopkinton Military History will be analyzed.