Recent Vets Breakfasts have had strong attendance, and everyone has enjoyed the animated discussions of veterans history. Won’t you try a taste of a good thing? Hopkinton veterans will gather for breakfast on 5 April 2019, at 0900 hours, at the Hopkinton Senior Center to share hot chow and warm camaraderie.
Our comrades who passed away during March will be remembered, and the condition of those on “Sick Call” will be updated. This is a good opportunity to remind ourselves to be generous with our time to visit and/or to send cards and notes to our ailing buddies. Keep up the good work. More of us should do this.
After breakfast we will recall memories of military events that previously occurred on April 5th; for example, in 1968 the siege of Khe Sahn ended after 76 days.
Other announcements will keep you abreast of Hopkinton happenings relating to veterans.
A free breakfast and lunch will be awarded to the first person who correctly answers the monthly baseball quiz: What ML player holds the record for highest career on-base percentage (OBP)? He played in Boston.
Hopkinton veterans with transportation difficulties should call Marlene Troupes on/before 3 April 2019, 508 497-9730. Please encourage other veterans to attend the breakfast.
American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and bless the meal.
See you Friday. Out.
Hank Allessio