Jane Anderson, our former president and now membership and hospitality committee chairwoman, wrote:
“The Hopkinton Women’s Club has had a busy start to this year’s activities under our new president, Yvette Madany. In September we heard about the future expansion plans of our town library. In October Christopher Besse from MEMA described what the state is doing to prepare for emergencies. Then our local fire chief brought that down to the town level and what we can do at each home to be ready- just in time, too, as Sandy was just around the corner. In November several of our members demonstrated how to make yummy appetizers for the coming holidays. They were easy and delicious! December found us at a member’s home for our annual Holiday Dinner. By tradition, we have chosen names of children of mothers at our local Serenity House and bring gifts of toys and clothing for the mothers to wrap and take to their children when they go home for the holiday.
We have added four new members this year and hope to continue that trend in 2013.”