It will be a very busy and productive February meeting for the Hopkinton Women’s
Club. The meeting date is February 11th, 10:00AM, at the Hopkinton Public
Library. New members are always welcomed. F
Come join us in assembling 30 Care Bags for the Hopkinton Senior Center
Outreach Program. This program does supportive visits to members of our
Hopkinton Community. Members and local businesses have donated essential
toiletries to fill the bags
Our special guest will be Lynn Stader – President of GFWC of Massachusetts.
Miss Stader Presidential Project is “More than Words.” Her goal is to collect 5,000
gently used books. We will present her with 300+ books. -More than Words
(MTW) places emphasis on helping young adults (who have been in foster care,
homeless, out of school,incarcerated) create positive change in their lives. MTW
runs 2 bookstores and an online book selling business. The jobs at MTW help the
young adults to be independent adults.
Yvette Madany will present a power point and we will get to practice hands on
Chinese Calligraphy. There will be a cookie and Valentine Trivia.
Please consider joining our organization. For questions or to join, please contact
Judith Weinthaler at 508-435-3287 or