Hopkinton Women’s Club Monday October 17, 2022 Program Topic: Climate Change and Adaptation

Hopkinton Women’s Club
Monday October 17, 2022
Program Topic:
Climate Change and Adaptation
Hopkinton Public Library 6:30 p.m.

The Hopkinton Women’s Club will be hosting its monthly program on Monday evening October 17 at 6:30 in the evening at the Hopkinton Library. The program is open to the public. We hope that the time will allow many more people to attend. Please join is for the discussion of this critical topic that impacts all our daily lives.

Dr. Knott is the founder of JFK Environmental Services, an environmental consulting firm specializing in groundwater hydrology, remediation, and climate-change adaptation. Her expertise is on surface and groundwater issues including drinking-water quality and groundwater contamination. She has focused on predicting climate-change effects on drinking water supplies and infrastructure.

The Women’s Club Business Meeting and social gathering will still be held at
9:30 a.m. on October 17 at the library. We welcome women who would like to learn more about our charitable work and activities.

Contact Judith Weinthaler, Membership Chair, HopWCMembership@gmail.com for information.

For more information about the HWC go to www.Hopkintonwomensclub.org Our Mission is to improve our community through volunteer service. Our focus is scholarships for Hopkinton students, and support for local charities.

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