Hopkinton Women’s Club Monday September 19, 2022 Program Topic: “SPIN: A Novel Based on a (Mostly) True Story” Author Talk by Peter Zheutlin

The Hopkinton Women’s Club will be holding its monthly meeting on Monday, September 19 at 9:30 a.m. at the Hopkinton Public Library beginning with a social gathering and followed by our meeting and program.

PROGRAM: The program will be a talk by Massachusetts author Peter Zheutlin on his latest book SPIN; an historical fiction novel about his great-grand aunt Annie C. Kopchovsky, who circled the world by bicycle in 1894-‘95. The papers described it as “the most extraordinary journey ever undertaken by a woman”. She started her journey in Boston on a 42 pound bicycle to settle a wager about women’s equality and she became one of the most celebrated women of the gay ‘90s.

Contact Judith Weinthaler, Membership Chair, HopWCMembership@gmail.com for information or a Zoom invitation if you cannot attend in person.

For more information about the HWC go to www.Hopkintonwomensclub.org Our Mission is to improve our community through volunteer service. Our focus is scholarships for Hopkinton students, families in need, and support for local charities.

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