Hopkinton Women’s Club Monday, September 20, 2021 Program Topic: “Women of the FBI”

The Hopkinton Women’s Club will be holding its monthly meeting on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Please join us. The meeting location TBD; either Zoom or in-person. Contact Judith Weinthaler, Membership Chair, at HopWCMembership@gmail.com or jweinthaler@gmail.com for information.

The program following the business meeting will be “Women of the FBI” presented by Margaret Bower, a former FBI agent and club member. Our programs are open to the entire community. We welcome new members from the surrounding communities.

For more information about the HWC go to www.Hopkintonwomensclub.org Our Mission is to improve our community through volunteer service. Our focus is scholarships for Hopkinton students, families in need, and support for local charities.

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