Hopkinton Women’s Club Monthly Meeting: Monday, September 11th

The Hopkinton Women’s Club will be holding its monthly meeting on Monday, September 11 at 9:30 a.m. at the Hopkinton Public Library. Join us for a social gathering that will be followed by a business meeting.

We welcome new members who are interested in learning more about our charity work, educational programs and social gatherings.

October 16: social gathering and business meeting at 9:30.
October 23: evening program by the Green Committee at 6:30 at the Library. Public is welcomed.

For more information about the HWC go to www.Hopkintonwomensclub.org Our Mission is to improve our community through volunteer service. Our focus is scholarships for Hopkinton students, families in need, and support for local charities.

Contact Judith Weinthaler, Membership Chair, at HopWCMembership@gmail.com for more information.

View more information about upcoming HWC events in the attachments below!