Hopkinton Women’s Club Newsletter announcement for September 21, 2020 meeting

The Hopkinton Women’s Club, celebrating 100 years of service, will be holding its monthly meeting Monday, September 21 at 10:00 a.m. Guests and new members are welcomed. Our Mission is Scholarship & Awards, Community Service, Educational and Social Events. The meeting location will be the field behind the Center school on Ash Street (bring a chair) or via Zoom. The September program will be by the local Hindu Coronavirus Relief Project. Contact Judith Weinthaler, Membership Chair, for location information and with questions about joining the HWC. HopWCMembership@gmail.com; 508-435-3287. www.Hopkintonwomensclub.org.

Dates and Programs to be listed for the remainder of the program year with details to follow:
October 19: HWC’s 100th Anniversary Celebration
November 9 “Staying Healthy and Avoiding Falls”
January 11: “Strategies to Improve Your Nutrition”
February 8: “Combating Domestic Abuse”
March 8: “Unwrapping the Gift of Creativity”

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