Hopkinton Women’s Club Program Jan 22nd 2024

Hopkinton Women’s Club
Monday, January 22, 2024
Program Topic:

The Hopkinton Women’s Club will be holding its monthly meeting on Monday, January 22, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. at the Hopkinton Public Library. Contact Judith Weinthaler, Membership Chair, at HopWCMembership@gmail.com for more information about attending in-person or remotely.

PROGRAM: The program following a social gathering and business meeting will be a presentation by Public Health Nurse Simone Carter.

What is the depth of services of our Pubic Health Department that you may not realize they provide? Simone Carter will share information with us and talk about current issues such as availability of Covid tests, vaccination, water quality, the Department’s work on their Strategic Plan for the future, and other topics that are relevant to all of us. Come with your questions.

The public is welcome to attend the program which begins about 11:00.

For more information about the HWC go to www.Hopkintonwomensclub.org Our Mission is to improve our community through volunteer service. Our focus is scholarships for Hopkinton students, families in need, and support for local charities.

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