Hopkinton’s 4th Annual “Edible Book Festival” Returns Friday!

Attention Readers & Bakers: Start your ovens!

Hopkinton Girl Scouts invite book and food lovers of all ages to Hopkinton’s 4th Annual Edible Book Festival, to be held on Friday March 15th at Hopkinton Library from 4-5 PM. This event is free and open to the public.

To enter, bring your edible book to the Library at 4 PM on Friday March 15th. Edible book entries are made of food and inspired by any book.
Entries fall into one of the 3 following categories:
1) Child Category: Baker who 8th grader or younger;
2) Adult Category: Baker who is 9th grade High School student or older;
3) Family Category: Two or more individuals (any group, may include adults and/or children).
Winners will be announced shortly after 5:00pm. You don’t have to enter to attend event, just come to vote for your favorite entries!

The Edible Book Festival started in 2016 as part of Girl Scout Troop #65040’s Bronze Award project to promote reading and literacy.
Questions? Email hopgstroop65040@gmail.com. For more information, or to view prior years entries, please visit: https://troop65040.wordpress.com/