Much of life is out of our control. Join us in this session to learn to pay more attention to what you can control- your internal reactions and mental activity. Learn what you can stop doing that accomplishes nothing but to make things worse than they already have to be. Challenging times are stressful. It’s important to acknowledge that. But let’s minimize the self-created and self-inflicted stress.
Session Objectives:
-Grasp that you have control over what goes on inside of your head. If you don’t, then who or what does?
-Have a “rapid response” defense system to combat negativity and the brain’s negativity bias.
-Be more aware of your internal self-talk and shift what you’re dwelling on when it is counterproductive.
-Counter cognitive distortions with rational thinking.
-Increase mindfulness and learn to rest your mind periodically to enhance creativity, concentration, and productivity.
-Break the cycle of “obsession paralysis” and the habit of blowing things out of proportion and making them worse than they really are.
Melt your own “mental snowballs.”
About the presenter:
Meet Kevin Stacey
Kevin Stacey, MBA, is an effectiveness expert who teaches people how to eliminate self-created problems and distractions that impede success. He combines his military background, management training and experience as a healthcare clinician and successful manager at the nation’s largest managed-care company to bring experience, wisdom, perspective and humor to your organization.
His programs provide concrete information and practical solutions for business problems. Kevin’s knowledge, experience, warm demeanor and sense of humor create a human connection with individuals that motivates them to make positive changes.
He started his medical career being stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He served in Operation Just Cause, Panama, with the 399th Combat Support hospital. He has a military, clinical healthcare and managed care background, along with an MBA in Healthcare administration. He first became interested in neuroscience while do brain MRI scans as a medical imaging professional in the 1990’s.
Kevin has a proven record of helping organizations enhance their environment and productivity. From IBM to The New York Times, Ford Motor Company, JP Morgan Chase, Pharmacia, Bayer, Goody Hair Care, United Technologies, Boeing, Sara Lee and numerous government agencies, he has worked with the world’s best and brightest and studied the effects of self-created problems on organizations and individuals along with the most effective antidotes to combat it.
He is a contributing author to the “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and it’s all Small Stuff” book series, and is the author of “MindRight: Navigate the Noise and TimeRight: take realistic control of your 1440 minutes for maximum effectiveness and sanity.”
Based on the book, “MindRight: Navigate the Noise” by Kevin Stacey
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