HPD Association hosted a successful fisihing derby

The Hopkinton Police Association held a successful Fishing Derby on Saturday, May 14 at the Hopkinton Sportsman Association.

Kids and teens were invited to fish for some of the approximately 250 fish stocked in the pond and had the chance to win trophies and other prizes. Hopkinton Police officers both current and retired showed their support by helping with the event, handing out food and beverages, and awarding trophies to the participants.

“On behalf of the department I’d like to thank the community as a whole, people that support this event from behind the scenes as well as all the people that come and enjoy the day. Additionally, I would like to thank all the members of the department, past and present, who helped make the event such a success,” said Police Chief Joseph Bennett.

A video highlighting the event can be watched below.

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