HPD Awarded Accreditation

Over the last several years, the Hopkinton Police Department has strived to become an accredited agency.

The Massachusetts Police Accreditation Program consists of 257 mandatory standards as well as 125 optional standards. In order to achieve accreditation status, the Department must meet all applicable mandatory standards as well as 55 % of the optional standards. Achieving Accreditation is a highly prized recognition of law enforcement professional excellence.

This program is open to all 351 Cities and Towns in the Commonwealth, it also includes College Departments. There are currently 257 participating agencies in Massachusetts, only 92 have received accreditation.

Law Enforcement Accreditation is a “Badge of Honor” in the Law Enforcement Profession. It is one of the Best Measures of a Police Department’s Compliance with Professional Standards. These standards are a culmination of best practices developed throughout Massachusetts and the Nation. Developing policies and procedures that adhere to these principles shows how truly dedicated an accredited agency is to not only its community, it shows a greater devotion to advancing the field of law enforcement and professional police officers.

Similar to accreditation programs in other disciplines, the accreditation process for the police profession consists of two major components:
1. the establishment of a body of standards that promotes best practices for the profession; and 2. the administration of a voluntary assessment process by which agencies can be publicly recognized for meeting those standards.

This monumental task was led by our Accreditation Manager Lieutenant John Porter, but it was truly a team effort. Without the support of the entire department, this task would have been an impossible one.

On March 31st, 2021 after a long and arduous journey, the Hopkinton Police Department was awarded and recognized by the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission as an Accredited Agency.

Thank you to everyone who was involved in accomplishing this mission and solidifying our dedication to our community and to our profession. We will continue to strive for excellence every day.

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