HPLF’s Touch-a-Truck & Food Truck Festival is coming up on June 4th

All the details:
Date: Sunday, June 4, 2017
Time: 11am-2pm

Location: Hopkinton High School Parking Lot
You and your little ones can touch and climb on tons of trucks and vehicles!! Roaming Railroad will be there for the whole family to take a ride on a train! Several food trucks will be on-site, local business and services will be joining us as well, and plus lots of other activities for the kids! Bring blankets or chairs to enjoy lunch from the Food Trucks attending. Bathrooms are available.

Ticket purchasing starts in May (stay tuned): at the Hopkinton Library, at any entrance to the event, or online at: http://www.hopkintonpubliclibraryfoundation.org/event/2017truck/
Facebook Event Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/274852899593758/

Last year we had over 2,000 kids and adults attend this event and we can’t wait for a fantastic turnout this to support the construction underway – and due to be completed this summer – at the Hopkinton Public Library. Residents as well as surrounding towns and extended family are welcome to come join the fun, spread the word far and wide!