HPTA HopSwap Returns on June 1

HopSwap, the community wide event to swap children’s clothing, maternity clothes, toys, books, baby gear and more, is coming to the Hopkinton High School cafeteria and gym on Saturday, June 1, 2013. Sponsored by the HPTA and HopMoms, a local support group for Hopkinton mothers, the event raises money for both organizations as well as providing a way to recycle your gently used items.

Donations for the event can be dropped off on Friday, May 31st from 4pm to 9pm. Items must be clean, in good or excellent condition, with all parts securely attached. Please label bags/boxes with sizes where appropriate. If that’s not possible, email hopswap@gmail.com to make other arrangements.

On Saturday, June 1, stop by the HHS cafeteria and fill a bag for $15 each when you make a donation. Cash and checks accepted and all proceeds fund the HPTA and HopMoms.

For questions, or to volunteer, contact hopswap@gmail.com.

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