At this time we would like to thank the citizens of Hopkinton for their support during this severe weather event. It truly took the assistance of the entire community to successfully meet the demands we all faced during Hurricane Irene. I would like to make you aware of some critical issues that we still need to be aware of in this collaborative effort;
• The damage caused by Irene throughout our community is very severe. The safety of the public is foremost and critical, please use extreme caution while walking or operating a vehicle around any downed electric power lines. Please report any potential emergency situations using 911.
• NStar Electric is working on the restoration of electric power to area(s) of the community based upon their operational priorities.
• The street reopening priority is main roads, secondary roads and then subdivisions. We are still working on reopening secondary roadways that are closed due to downed trees and electric power lines.
• Do not pile and/or stack brush on the street edge or on the street right of way.
• A timetable and operational plan is being developed to have personnel clean up road side storm debris.
Again, thank you for your continued assistance and support during the tropical storm emergency. Your patience and cooperation will be key as we move into the clean up phase.
Fire Chief Emergency Management Director Ken Clark