Ice Fishing Derby Coming Soon

POSTPONED TO FEBRUARY 26 DUE TO POOR ICE CONDITIONS ON LAKE WHITEHALLThe Woodville Rod & Gun Club is holding it’s annual Ice Fishing Derby on Saturday, January 22, 2011. The entry fee is $20.00 per person and must accompany a registration form. Registration forms may be obtained at the club or from our website: Breakfast will be served for a nominal fee beginning at 5:00 am at the club house located at 252 Wood Street. Ice fishing will be held at Lake Whitehall (no holes to be drilled before 7:00 am). Registration that morning may be done at the club house or the boat landing and ends at 9:00 am. Prizes will be awarded back at the club house following the derby at approximately 2:00 pm. Derby fishing ends promptly at 1:00 pm. Get your fish weighed and measured before that time. Please call the club if you have any questions or would like more information at 508-435-4148.

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