Important water supply update

Water levels at the Hopkinton reservoir and ground water levels at our town wells have reached action trigger levels. Due to these low levels, we are cutting back on our pumping capacity and we lost the use of two wells at the Ashland treatment plant. We are now at nearly a 5” rain deficit for the year. We are required to revise the water use restriction to prohibit All Outdoor Use except watering of flowers, gardens and shrubs by handheld means or by drip irrigation before 9AM and after 5PM and that which is necessary for the following: for Health or Safety reasons; for the production of food and fiber; for the maintenance of livestock; or to meet core functions of a business.

We continue to receive very little rain to help recharge our aquifers and the long-term forecasts call for above average temperatures and below normal precipitation through the summer. It is IMPERATIVE that everyone complies with these restrictions and turn off all lawn sprinklers immediately. This is necessary to ensure a safe and adequate supply for our daily essential needs and for firefighting capabilities. These restrictions only pertain to users of the municipal water system; however, we encourage those with private wells to use water just as judiciously, to avoid your well going dry. We need everyone’s strict adherence and cooperation in this important matter to sustain the town water supply through these persistent drought conditions. Please note that if conditions continue to worsen, a ban on all outdoor water use may have to be enacted.

Updates will be provided, as necessary, through the town’s web website,, local newspapers, and H-CAM TV. For instantaneous updates please go to and select water and sewer notices and follow us on our Twitter feed @hopkintonwater.
We thank you for your cooperation with this important matter.

Information will also be posted on the water use restriction signs located throughout town in the following locations:

1. Main St. @ traffic lights
2. West Main @ Wood St. West Bound
3. Wood St. @ Westboro Line East Bound
4. Pond & Spring Intersection
5. South & West Main Intersection West Bound
6. West Main @ Pleasant East Bound
7. West Main @ School West Bound
8. Ash @ Park South Bound
9. Hayden Rowe @ Tennis Courts South Bound
10. Hayden Rowe @ Chestnut North Bound
11. East Main St. @ TJ’S West Bound

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