Dear Editor,
I am writing to respond Rep. Dykema’s letter explaining her vote against putting committee votes online. The day after her vote in the House, the Senate voted to put these votes online. Our representative is being misleading at best.
Let me further remind everyone that last year when questioned about putting these votes online, she said the technology was now there and she would “absolutely” vote for it.
Her filing a bill is nothing more than giving herself cover. During the rules debate was the appropriate time to consider the matter.
Finally, it is clear that if the GOP has a good idea she refuses to support it, because she always votes with the Speaker.
Amendments should be considered on merit, not party lines. I’m sorry, but Rep. Dykema is being completely disingenuous and she should apologize to the voters.
Charles A. Garbarino III
4 Priscilla Road
Hopkinton, MA 01748 Tel. 508-989-7020