In Support of Nancy Burdick for School Committee

I support Nancy Burdick for re-election to the School Committee.

I served the final four years of my twelve-year tenure on the School Committee with Nancy. She is smart, thoughtful, and determined to provide the best for our children to the extent that the community can afford.

Nancy is a very attentive listener and values communication and collaboration very highly. Her leadership style is to develop consensus before taking action.

Nancy is very mindful that the money spent on government services including public education comes from hard-working taxpayers. She continually questions spending priorities and investment choices.

During a period of difficult financial challenges, Nancy has played a key role in keeping our schools strong while demonstrating spending discipline. Her two years as Chairman of the School Committee featured annual property tax increases below the 2 ½% limit allowed by law.

Nancy has the knowledge, the experience, and the skills to continue to make a significant difference for our community.

Please join me in voting for Nancy Burdick for School Committee.

Phil Totino
17 Whalen Road

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