Read the welcome letter sent to parents from School Superintendent Dr. Jonathan Landman and his invitation to participate in one of his upcoming public forums.
Dear Hopkinton Parents and Guardians:
The start of the new school year is fast approaching! There’s still time for a few more sweet beach days, maybe another page-turner or summer blockbuster… and then, we’re off to the races. It’s always hard to relinquish the pleasures of summer, but the engagement, purpose, and hard work of the school year are deep pleasures in their own right. For me, as for so many educators, parents and children, the day that school begins is the true “New Year’s Day.” That new beginning is always exciting, always a time of renewal.
This year, as I begin my tenure as Superintendent of the Hopkinton Public Schools, I am especially excited. Over the course of the next several months, I will be visiting classrooms to learn about instruction in our schools, sitting in on meetings to learn about how professional teams operate in the system, and continuing to meet with staff, administrators, parents and students to learn about both the strengths and the opportunities for improvement in the system. What I learn through this entry process will shape the district’s priorities for the years to come … so I need to hear from you. Please consider joining me at one of two upcoming parent forums.
• Noon – 2 p.m., Thursday, August 25th, at Hopkins School Library. Refreshments and childcare provided by Educate Hopkinton
• 6 p.m. – 8 p.m., Monday, September 12, at Hopkinton High School Library. Hosted, and with refreshments provided by the HPS School Committee
I look forward to seeing students and their parents very soon. The first day of school for HPS students in grades 1-12 is Tuesday, August 30th. For Kindergarteners and their parents, meet and greets begin the same day but school begins on Thursday, September 1st.
Welcome back, everyone!
Jonathan Landman
To read Dr. Landman’s complete Entry Plan, Click Here.