The Ashland-Hopkinton Fire Collaboration Study Group, assisted by the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission(MAPC) and Municipal Resources Inc., will present an update on the Ashland-Hopkinton Fire Collaboration Study project to a joint meeting of the Ashland and Hopkinton Boards of Selectmen at the Faith Community Church, 146 E Main St, Hopkinton, at 7:30p.m., October 30, 2013.
The meeting is intended to be a briefing to the boards on progress made so far by the study group which has been meeting regularly since last year. Topics to be discussed at the joint boards meeting include project background, role of fire departments in Ashland and Hopkinton, organizational framework options, governance and next steps for the project. Community wide public sessions, at which the FIre Collaboration Study group will be seeking public input on the project are planned in the future.
The Ashland-Hopkinton Fire Collaboration project is funded through the state’s Community Innovation Challenge grant program.
Note: HCAM will be recording this meeting. Check for playback dates and times.