June 2012 Shoot Photos and Top 5 Photo Albums

What happened in Hopkinton during the month of June? From the Class of 2012 Commencement Ceremony, to the Fox 25 Zip Trip, the Timlin Race, Team Hoyt’s Visit and more, pictures tell the story. Click Here for all of our photos featured on “The Shoot” from the front page of our website for the month of June. Enjoy!

Our top five viewed albums for the month of June are listed below:

HHS Graduation, photos by Mike Torosian, with a total of 20,120 viewsClick Here to View.

Sharon Timlim 5K Race, photos by Michelle and Tom Murdock, with a total 9,023 viewsClick Here to View.

Touch A Truck Fundraiser, photos by Mike Torosian, with a total of 6,541 viewsClick Here to View.

Fox 25 Zip Trip to Hopkinton, photos by Michelle Murdock, with a total of 4,965 viewsClick Here to View.

Yes You Can (Team Hoyt at Elmwood), photos by Mike Torosian with a total of 2,052 viewsClick Here to View.

Visit Scene in Hopkinton for photos of your community!

If you have photos or scenes of Hopkinton that you would like to share, send them to news@hcam.tv.
And remember, all of our photos are available for purchase for a minimal fee.

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