On Sunday evening from 6:00- 8:00 p.m. the Hopkinton Public Library and the Hopkinton Youth Commission will host a community song-circle to help kick-off Hopkinton’s “Martin Luther King-Day of Giving Back.” This event is a free concert of music for the community, all ages welcome. The performance line-up will consist of 10 local and Boston-area singer-songwriters who will perform two songs each on topics related to peace, love, justice etc. to help pay tribute to Martin Luther King. The MLK song circle will take place at Hopkinton Public Library located at 13 Main Street inn Hopkinton. The entrance for this event will be by back door entrance of the Library. The public is welcome to take a seat, join the circle … just to listen or to bring a song or poem of same theme to share at the end of the concert when there will be a call for community contributions.
For more information call Cheryl Perreault at 508-435-8638
For photos of some of the particpating songwriters, visit their websites: