Knights of Columbus Food Families Virtual Food Drive
The Knights of Columbus, Bishop Rice Council of Hopkinton and Ashland, was not able to run their annual Food For Families food drive on March 31st as a result of the coronavirus pandemic precautions, yet the need has never been greater! The Project Just Because Food Pantry of Hopkinton is running critically low on resources for feeding our friends and neighbors in need. Instead of a traditional food collection, they are sponsoring an on-line virtual food drive. There are two ways you can participate and help out:
• The preferred method is to purchase an Amazon E-Gift card by going on line to: Scroll down to Amazon Wishlists. Select Food Pantry. Select the dollar amount for your Amazon Gift Card donation and enter: as the email gift recipient and complete your gift purchase. That way Project Just Because can buy the items they need in bulk and have them delivered right to their door!
• Or, if you want to participate the the virtual “giving tree” and donate food just go to Scroll down to Amazon Wishlists. Select Food Pantry and donate there. Amazon will ship directly to Project Just Because for free.
Project Just Because, Inc. is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your donations are fully tax-deductible.
Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity during these difficult times!