Lamb Supports Sparklers on 4th of July

Today Marty Lamb, Republican candidate for State Representative in the Eighth Middlesex District, announced that he supports legalizing sparklers.

“In a state that has decriminalized the smoking of marijuana, it just seems foolish that we cannot allow for families to use sparklers on 4th of July,” said Lamb. “Let the kids have some sparklers.”

Massachusetts outlawed fireworks several decades ago, but most people don’t know that sparklers are also illegal in the Commonwealth. Only 3 other states besides Massachusetts completely outlaw all fireworks. 46 other states allow for sparklers plus a variety of other fireworks.

“On the day we celebrate our independence and our freedom, here in Massachusetts we cannot use a sparkler. It is sort of anti-American,” said Lamb.

Incumbent Representative Carolyn Dykema opposes legalizing sparklers. Last month she voted against an initiative to make sparklers legal once again.

“I am running to restore common sense to Beacon Hill. Something is really wrong when we cannot use sparklers in our state. I am sure the families of this district find it just as disappointing that the incumbent voted against sparklers,” said Lamb.

Mr. Lamb graduated from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University in 1985 and received his Bachelor of Arts from Hampshire College in 1982. He has an extensive background in real estate law, formerly with Adelson, Golden & Loria, P.C., Edward A. Sokoloff & Associates, and Lamb and Browne, P.C. and is currently with Lamb and Associates, P.C. He is a member of the Real Estate Bar Association of Massachusetts. An active participant in community affairs, Mr. Lamb sits on the Board of Directors of New England Region of United Synagogue and is a past president of Temple Beth Torah in Holliston. He has also served on the Holliston Elementary School Council and the Campaign for Holliston Schools. He resides in Holliston with Peri, his wife of 22 years, and his two daughters Elissa and Simma.

For more information on Marty’s candidacy, voters can visit his website or follow him on Twitter @Electmartylamb and Facebook at Elect Marty Lamb.

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