Letter to Editor: Lake Maspenock Dam

To the Editor:

I live in Hopkinton and am not a property owner on Lake Maspenock but we have enjoyed the
beauty of Lake Maspenock every summer. I guess you could say we summer on the lake. I
think Lake Maspenock is an essential part of Hopkinton. How many towns have an area such as
Lake Maspenock to offer to their residents? However I do feel strongly against taxing a special
charge only the property owners who live on the lake for repairs and upgrades in the Lake area.
In May 2006 the town voted to buy the dam for a $1. We as a town should also pay for the
repairs to the lake and dam. It’s a town resource shared by all residences of Hopkinton not
just the people who live around the lake. It’s setting a precedence that repairs done in a
neighborhood are only charged to the property owners in that area. I find this offensive, after all
no matter what neighborhood you live in we all still live in Hopkinton. We all go to the same
schools and all our citizens get the same town services.

We are having conversations on the under-grounding of downtown utilities but the entire town is
going to pay for the project not just the residences on the downtown area. It’s not fair to tax a
special charge to only residences around the lake for repairs to the area.

Another point I would to make on the lake, I have been reading about the land EMC wants to
rezone into industrial. Has anybody noticed the new family living on the lake and enjoying the
view, our feathery friends the family of American Bald eagles. In Massachusetts there are only
a little over 100 bald eagles living in the state. Well in Hopkinton we are fortunate to have the
bald eagles living here and we must do research on the preservation of their habitat. They are
America’s national symbol. We owe them that.


Jackie Potenzone
12 Wood St.
Hopkinton, MA

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