Letter to Parents from Newly Appointed Interim Principal at Center School

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I am very excited about my appointment as Interim Principal of the Center School in Hopkinton. I relish being back in the school setting and working with children, teachers and parents. I strongly believe that a strong parent – school partnership is critical to children’s success in school. I look forward to working with you for the next six months and helping the school make the transition to a permanent principal this summer.

Hopkinton’s elementary schools’ core values reflect my beliefs in schools. I believe that all children can learn. Our job as educators is to make sure each child can achieve at his/her highest level and to provide the environment for each child to be successful. This can only happen if the school is a safe place where children can take academic risks and develop socially and emotionally. I hope to work with you and the faculty to ensure that Center School continues its tradition of excellence and that your children will relish going to school each day and love learning.

I was fortunate to be principal at the Heath School in Brookline, a Pre-K through Grade 8 elementary school, for thirteen years. The school was a model of excellence, and we were commended by the state for “High Academic Achievement and High Academic Growth.” We grew from a two-section to a three-section school during those thirteen years. Like Hopkinton, as enrollment increased, we were squeezed for space. In my last year at the school, I was a member of the Building Committee and the project to add an addition to the school is now finally completed. It is quite stunning and very functional.

I think it always helps to know something about a principal beyond the professional side. My husband David and I have lived in Framingham for more than 40 years. I grew up in Philadelphia and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania where I met David. We have two married sons who now live in San Francisco, two wonderful daughters-in-law and two darling grandchildren, ages 3 and 5. We make frequent trips to San Francisco and endure many red-eye flights home to make sure we can spend quality time with Avi and Benjamin.

I look forward to getting to know you. I asked Dr. Kennedy to invite you to a “meet and greet” on Wednesday, January 16 at 3:30 p.m. at the Center School. If you cannot attend, in the next few weeks, I will schedule another time. My first official day at the school will be January 23, 2013. Please call or email me if you have any questions or concerns. My goal the first few weeks is to become acquainted with the school routines, the teachers, and most importantly, your children.

Milly Katzman

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