The story of “Suitcase” revolves around the struggles and hardships of an ordinary man who landed in the United States of America with only a suitcase and some extraordinary dreams.
Suitcase is a memoir in which Chadda shared an incredible, courageous story about his grandmother, who hired the military to rescue him and his family from the village Shinewala in West Pakistan during the partition in 1947. Their biggest challenge was leaving their home with no possessions and some money and gold.
The narrative is based on a true story where the stakes are high, given their only way out alive was a risky and bloody train to Amritsar. To make matters worse, there were ongoing murders, rape, lootings, and houses on fire in Pakistan and India. This book is also the author’s tribute to his grandmother, who raised him and sacrificed and devoted her life so that the grandchildren can get suitable education and become successful in life.
Dwarka (D.N.) Chadha completed his Master of Arts degree in English Literature from Delhi University, India, in the year 1963. He also had an award-winning career as a Pharmaceutical Sales Executive and a Sales Specialist featured leadership of sales teams to generate revenues in excess of $ 100 million in sales. He also served as the President India Association of Greater Boston from 1984 to 1985. Then, got appointed to the Massachusetts Minority Business Oversight Committee by Governor Mike Dukakis in 1985.
One of his career highlights was receiving recognition/documentation from President Obama, Governor Deval Patrick, Governor Mike Dukakis and congressman Barney Frank. Served in the organization of support meetings for Health Care Reform in 2008-2009 and received recognition from President Obama for the Affordable Care Act of 2010. Chadha was also the first Vice President of the Hopkinton Lions Club 2019-2022.
It took him 12 Years of literary work to complete this book to ensure factual authenticity and to make it a book worth reading. Suitcase also has a special surprise for the reader, a Photo Gallery at the end of the book.
Suitcase will be hitting all top book publishing platforms this December, including Amazon, Kindle, and Barnes & Noble Press.