Local Business Welcomes Kids Back to School – Water Fresh Farm Hosts Family Fun Day

On Saturday, September 8 from (11:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.), families looking for a fun and healthy local event are in luck. Water Fresh Farm, is hosting a Family Fun Day that includes, a spectacular petting zoo, treasure hunt, colorful balloons, wonderful prizes and yummy ice cream. The event is free.

“We wanted to create a really fun welcome back to school event for the kids that also teaches them about healthy eating, says co-founder Jeff Barton. “It’s also an excuse to bring kids to the farm so they can see how we grow things here at Water Fresh Farm, without dirt and even in the winter when it’s freezing outside, they light right up, and so do the parents.”

The event will feature a large petting zoo that is being brought in just for this special event. Kids will be given treasure maps that take them on a wild pirate adventure throughout the farm, stopping in such areas as the Bakery and Greenhouse. Once they finish the treasure hunt, each family will receive their “treasure chest” of goodies for both the adults and the kids, including a free ice cream cone.

Water Fresh Farm is located at 151 Hayden Rowe Street, Hopkinton, MA. The main phone number is 508.435. 3400. For more information visit the website.

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