Looking for Veterans to Remember

From Hank Allessio, Producer, Veterans Remember

Many Hopkintonians are aware of the documentation that is being developed to pay tribute to our local military veterans. Men and women who have served as early as 1900, to the present time have been identified and recorded in the Vets Photo Gallery.. Other veterans can be seen in face-to-face conversations where first-hand experiences are recollected. These sessions are illustrated by the following Veterans Remember episodes:

Veterans Remember with Jack Cahill
Veterans Remember with Paul Phipps
Veterans Remember with Paul Annunziata

There are more that can be viewed Here.

To maintain the growth of the documentation of Hopkinton’s military history, for the education and enjoyment of all, it will be helpful to know of veterans who are willing to participate in a Veterans Remember conversation. As well, if there are Vets or family members who have photos that can be included in the Vets Photo Gallery, please contact us.

  • Mike Torosian/Michelle Murdock, 508 435-7887 or mike@hcam.tv, michelle@hcam.tv
  • Senior Center, 508 497-9730
  • Dick Gooding, 617 901-2100
  • Hank Allessio, 508 435-4882

Thank you.

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