Looking for Vets Who Served on Okinawa

HCAM News is involved with a project to document the activities of Hopkinton residents who participated in The Battle of Okinawa during April, May, and June 1945. It was the last big battle of WW II, and a pivotal event in the history of our nation.

You, the readers and viewers of HCAM-TV, can be helpful. Please provide information, whether it is “hard facts” or family lore which relates to specific individuals thought to be at The Battle of Okinawa. Tell us about:

— Frank Anderson, wounded; brother Paul KIA ETO
— Hugh Spencer, in Hopkinton 1992 until 2010
— Joe Stanley, a marine
— Don Varnum, a marine, brother of Dick Varnum

Information is already at hand for several other Hopkintonians. If you feel there is additional input or others who served on Okinawa, let us know. A list of battle participants from Hopkinton is attached.

Thank you for helping,

Michelle Murdock, HCAM News Director

Hank Allessio
Producer, Veterans Remember

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