He is a deaf sheltie of 13 years. He is also arthritic. He was last seen by School Street near the water tower. He is brown, blackish and has a large white tuft. He will go toward someone and bark to let them know he wants to be fed. He is very friendly and loveable. His name is Rascal. If you open your arms out wide he just may run to you or if you slap your legs. He had a blue electric fence collar on as well as another collar with a little bell and his name and our phone number. He also has a chip in him so a vet can scan and locate his home information. If anyone has seen him, please contact us asap where we are so devastated that he is not home where we love him as part of our family. We have another sheltie who is depressed because his buddy is not here as well as ourselves.

Nancielee Holbrook

Please call: 508-529-6034 with any information

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