Main Street Corridor Project: Bid Opening Begins Contractor Selection Process

Bids for Hopkinton’s Main Street Corridor project were opened by MassDOT on September 1, marking the beginning of the process that will result in the selection of the project’s contractor. Early good news is that the first and second lowest bidders were within $500 and the apparent low bidder was $500,000 lower than the engineer’s estimate.

Moving forward this week, VHB, the town’s engineering consultant, will review the bids and coordinate with MassDOT on the award, sending them a letter of recommendation. After the notice of award is made by MassDOT, the project will move into the construction phase. A press release will be sent out by the Town to announce the selected contractor and the proposed start date.

“We are pleased to have opened bids with such positive results as the project moves towards its construction phase,” said Town Manager Norman Khumalo. “With the selection of a contractor by MassDOT to follow, the project continues to progress, moving the town closer to its goal of improving roadway safety for vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians, and reducing congestion throughout Hopkinton’s downtown corridor.”
At this time construction is anticipated to begin in the Spring of 2021.

For more information about the Main Street Corridor Project, visit the project website at… eet-corridor-project.

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