Ahead of the upcoming Hopkinton Select Board meeting, a local petition has gathered a number of signatures in favor of the Board affirming support for a regional approach to addressing systemic racism.
The Select Board will discuss the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) proposal on Tuesday December 8th, 6pm, in a session allowing community commentary. The Select Board has discussed this subject in prior meetings as well.
The MAPC proposal features 5 core principles to help regional towns define approaches to enhance their anti-racism programs. To date, 21 Eastern Massachusetts towns have signed the pledge.
The petition notes the good work already undertaken by town departments, while declaring support for the principles. Organizers Brad Fenn and Brad Kohl gathered 225 online signatures from Hopkinton residents in 3 days – with more anticipated (a total of 315 signatures were submitted – the website did not block non-Hopkinton respondents).
Brad Fenn noted “I relate this to my own personal growth in understanding that I am not okay with the status quo and cannot simple say ‘I am not a racist’. I strive to be ANTI-racist, taking every opportunity to be a supportive influence in my corner of the world. The town’s approval will likewise send a clear message to its citizens and the region in this regard.”
Brad Kohl said “As a longtime Hopkinton resident, I have seen this town grow and change, in many ways. I am very proud of our community, but I think it is time to make a public commitment to justice and equality.”
The Select Board is also accepting written commentary in advance of the meeting.
The text of the petition follows:
Recent national events have increased our awareness of the subtle and overt racism that exists in this country — and the need to take action!
We are rightfully proud of our wonderful community and our town’s public servants for their social equity efforts already undertaken. We acknowledge this while seeking additional positive movement to help ensure equity for all.
At the behest of several regional mayors and town managers, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council developed a set of guiding principles (below) to provide a common social justice framework amongst the towns. To date, 21 regional towns have pledged approval and other towns are actively considering them.
As signers of this petition, we agree to these principles and request the Hopkinton Select Board affirm and sign the pledge on behalf of Hopkinton demonstrating the town’s commitment to social equity.
The 5 principles are:
1) We agree that systemic racism is a public health emergency, which must be addressed by strong and decisive actions over the coming weeks and months, and by patient and determined efforts years into the future. We are in this now; we are in it for the long haul.
2) We acknowledge that racial biases and inequities exist, and we are committed to achieving racial equity and identifying disparities in local municipal services, education, health, housing, transportation, jobs, law enforcement, and youth programming, among others. We are committed to providing safe spaces for community input and dialogue around these issues and we will continue to work together to share best practices and to make progress at the local, state, and federal levels.
3) We are committed to instituting an anti-violence approach to policing that prioritizes the safety, health, and well being of all community members, including police officers, as its primary goal. Policing practices that seek to de-escalate conflict, minimize the use of force, avoid false arrest, and establish trust with all residents, especially communities of color, will inform decisions on recruitment, training, promotion, equipment, and tactics.
4) We will work to address racism within law enforcement in a proactive, intentional, and consistent manner.
5) We will make it a priority to take action now as local governments, and we will also advocate for state and federal policies and funding to enable cities and towns to accomplish the goals of this pledge.