Marathon Elementary: Kindergarten 2025-2026

Children who will be 5 years old by August 31 are eligible for kindergarten.

We invite future kindergarten families to attend Kindergarten Orientation on February 26, February 27, or June 16 (attend one night). This is an information orientation for adults and is not intended for children. No childcare is provided. Parents and guardians will meet Principal Lauren Dubeau and Assistant Principal Eric Mitchell to learn all about kindergarten routines and procedures.

Kindergarten students will have an opportunity to tour the school in August.

Kindergarten Orientation for Parents and Guardians
February 26, February 27, or June 16 (attend one night)
Marathon Cafeteria
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Kindergarten Registration
The district will open registration for the 2025-2026 school year in the spring by April at the latest. This includes registration for students entering kindergarten. Please share this with your neighbors and friends who live in Hopkinton and have children who will be 5 years old by August 31, as they are eligible for kindergarten. Do Not Register Now. Registration for the next school year is not yet open.

Kindergarten Screening
Kindergarten Screening will be held on March 3, 18, and 28 at Marathon School for students entering Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.

Click this link to complete a kindergarten screening survey. You will then receive an email with a screening date and time. Note that screening appointments are scheduled manually, so you will not receive an immediate response to this survey.

If your child cannot attend a March screening, your child will receive a screening during school in September. FAQs about Kindergarten Screening

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