Marty Lamb Sponsors Veterans Breakfast

On Friday, October 5th, Marty Lamb, candidate for State Representative in the Eighth Middlesex District and small business owner, sponsored the Hopkinton Veterans’ Breakfast at the Senior Center.

“I was extremely pleased to speak with our veterans who have sacrificed so much for our nation. Sponsoring this event was just a small gesture to show my appreciation,” said Lamb.

But Lamb was not pleased to see his opponent, Rep. Carolyn Dykema show up, saying, “I thought it was tacky of her to sort of crash an event that my campaign sponsored. I would never do that to her. Can you imagine her outrage if I ever attempted something like that?”

The breakfast is run through the Friends of the Hopkinton Senior Center. Lamb sponsored the event out of his campaign account.

“It is public property, but at some point you have to know when you are going too far to promote your candidacy when you hang out to talk to people at something the other candidate sponsored. I am truly disappointed in her “win at all costs efforts,” said Lamb.

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