Mass Dot Invites You to the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Meeting for the I-495 / I-90 Interchange Improvements Project

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation Invites you to the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Meeting for the I-495 / I-90 Interchange Improvements Project Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Meeting 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Marathon Elementary School, Cafeteria 129 Hayden Rowe Street, Hopkinton MA
The purpose of this meeting, conducted by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA), is to provide the public an opportunity to provide comments and ask questions regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) filed by MassDOT for this project. Written comments are due to the EOEEA by December 6, 2019. Written comments should be sent to Secretary Kathleen Theoharides, Attn: Page Czepiga, Assistant Director, MEPA Office, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900, Boston, MA 02114 or referencing this project with the designation EEA#15334.

The I-495/I-90 Interchange serves as a major crossroads for commuter traffic and is used by nearly half of freight trucking entering Massachusetts. MassDOT’s conversion to all-electronic, open-road tolling allows the agency to make safety and operational improvements to the Interchange which will enhance commerce and facilitate economic growth locally and regionally.

The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. MassDOT provides reasonable accommodations and/or language assistance free of change upon request (including but not limited to interpreters in American Sign Language and languages other than English, open and closed captioning for videos, assistive listening devices and alternative material formats, such as audio tapes, Braille and large print), as available. For accommodations or language assistance, please contact MassDOT legislative liaison, Donny Dailey by phone (857) 368-8902, or by email at Request should be made as soon as possible prior to the meeting, and for more difficult to arrange services including sign-language, CART or language translation or interpretation, request should be made at least ten (10) days before the meeting.

To be added to the project email list, or to receive a copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Report, please contact Nathaniel Curtis, Public Involvement Specialist, at (617) 482-7080 or ncabral-

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