MassDOT to Present Proposed Changes to I-495/I-90 Interchange

On Tuesday, January 8, the Board of Selectmen will hear a presentation by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) on the I-495/I-90 & I-495/Route 9 Intersection study. The purpose of the study is to “identify improvements to address the traffic congestion and safety issues surrounding the interchange of I-495 and Route 9 in the Towns of Westborough and Southborough.” The study area will also cover the I-495/Route 9 and I-495/I-90 interchanges between I-90 and Route 9, and extending approximately one mile in either direction from the interchanges.

According to the presentation included with the Board of Selectmen’s agenda for the January 8th meeting, the goal of the study is to advance a series of short-term and long-term recommendations that will address existing and future transportation needs, including reducing congestion, improving safety and meeting the transportation needs of area residents and businesses.

While the study in still underway, with a draft report scheduled to be made available in January, several recommendations are included in the presentation scheduled for Tuesday night’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting. Those more directly affecting Hopkinton include modifications of the ramps at the I-495/I-90 interchange and adding additional signage, aimed at improving safety and traffic operations.

From the MassDOT presentation:

“The recommended concept minimizes the potential impact to environmental resources within the Cedar Swamp Area of Critical Environmental Concern by keeping the modifications within the existing highway right-of–way to the greatest extent possible. However, there is a potential for wetland impacts from the new I-495 northbound ramp to I-90 eastbound, and a potential for noise impacts to residences in Hopkinton south of the toll plaza from the elevated I-90 westbound ramp to I-495 southbound. Additional environmental studies would be required for this alternative.”

For more information, residents and other interested parties are encouraged to contact MassDot’s Project Manager, Calli Cenizal at (857) 368-8843 or visit the project website.

Public outreach events include the January 8, 2013 Board of Selectmen’s meeting as well as the following meetings in Southborough and Westborough:

Southborough Planning Board – January 7, 2013
Westborough Planning Board – January 15, 2013

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