Mental Health Collaborative Needs Your Vote for Red Sox Impact Award!

Calling all friends:
Please help Mental Health Collaborative!

I am making a HUGE plea for all of you to ask everyone in your contacts and in any groups you may belong to to ask for 6 days of voting for our organization. JUST 6 days!!

As of today we are in second place, down by 682 votes in this voting game from the first place winner. Let’s keep the momentum going–WE’VE GOT THIS!!
People can vote every day until 4:59 PM on Monday June 22nd! Please vote every day….no need to vote for any other state unless you want to:
Put simply 6 steps in 6 days to get as many votes as we can!! Let’s DO IT!!!!!

1. click on this link
2. click on Vote Now
3. input your First Name, Last Name & email address
4. Select Mental Health Collaborative under Massachusetts (Make sure it’s Mental Health Collaborative IN MA)
5. Click not a robot
6. Submit

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