Message from Senator, Karen Spilka: March is National Social Work Month

I couldn’t let this month go by without offering my sincerest thanks to the social workers who, every day, go above and beyond to bring vital services and a human connection to people facing mental health challenges, addiction, poverty, isolation, or discrimination.

From an early age, I was inspired by mother, a social worker. Her commitment to helping others made me want to become a social worker too. The skills that I learned as a social worker have been invaluable to me as a legislator.

Social workers and other behavioral health providers are key to the wellbeing of Massachusetts residents. That’s why, under the Senate’s Mental Health ABC Act 2.0, support to providers is included in our vision for expanded mental health support. It’s also why the Senate fought for $400 million in support for mental health in the state’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, including $122 million in loan repayment programs to recruit and retain mental and behavioral health care professionals.

As always, my office is available if you need assistance or wish to share your opinion. You can email me at or call 617-722-1500.

Take care, and be well!

Warm regards,
Karen Spilka

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