Message to Parents from Hopkinton Public Schools 9-30-2020

Dear Hopkinton Families,

You may recall that I sent a similar email a couple of weeks ago.

I am writing again to make the same request: We are asking that community members do not access our courts and fields during the regular school day. At the High School/Middle School complex, that time period is from 7:00 to 2:00.

While we would typically be willing to share our space, during the pandemic we will be needing to access those outdoor spaces with much more frequency not only for physical education classes, but also for mask breaks and outdoor instruction in other content areas. Additionally, in an effort to keep our kids safe, we are trying to limit their contact with others.

To the extent that it is helpful, the Hopkinton School Committee has a policy on face coverings, which you can access on our website.

I hope people understand that at the heart of this request lie student safety and academic programming. I also hope community members will honor this request.

I think you all for your understanding, and if you do have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me in the Central Office.

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