Middle Eastern Dinner at St. Paul’s

On October 12 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church will be hosting an evening of Middle Eastern food and reflections from recent visitors to the Holy Land. All are invited to this event, which will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at St. Paul’s Parish Hall, 61 Wood Street (Rte. 135), Hopkinton. Tickets are $20 (which includes the meal) and are available by calling Rev. Maggie Geller at 508-277-1032 or Cindy Key at 361-549-6117.

Proceeds will go to the Diocese of Jerusalem to support Health Ministries and Educational Ministries as directed by the Diocese of Massachusetts. The Diocese of Jerusalem serves the people in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

Speakers include the Right Reverent Gayle Harris, DD Bishop Suffragan the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts; the Reverend Michael Billingsley; the Reverend Maggie Geller; and several members of St. Paul’s parish who went to Israel in April of 2013.

“Our pilgrimage to Israel last spring was life-changing for many of us, and we wanted to share our impressions and memories with others,” said Father Billingsley. “We thought a meal and discussion would be a great way to celebrate the food, culture, and sights that we enjoyed during our trip.”