MLK Blood Drive Hopes to Increase Pints Collected

On Monday January 17, 2011, during the MLK Day of Giving Back, the BeFree project will be holding a blood drive sponsored by the American Red Cross. It will be held from 10am to 3pm in the Doyle Gym at the Hopkinton Middle School. Last year 68 pints of blood were collected. This year’s goal is 90 pints of blood. There will be more staff on hand and more time slots available, making donations easier this year. Donors must be 16 year olds or older. Those who are 16 require a signed parental permssion slip. Older donors do not need a permission slip. All donors will receive a free pound of Dunkin Donuts coffee.

To make an appointment, send an email with preferred time to, or call Anne Schneider at

Email or call ASAP to get your preferred time slot. Thank you!

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